A blog based on the delicious, flavorful and taste-bud tickling dishes around the world :)

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Mahamri Recipe (Kenya)

First recipe! This recipe, known as Mahamri, originates from Kenya, and is traditional sweet bread that can be eaten with many sides. It is versatile bread and has a hint of sweetness to the soft bread.
This bread can be eaten throughout the year, however, typically enjoyed on special occasions. The recipe follows below:

Auntie's Mahamri :)
 What you'll need-
3 cups flour
1 tsp dry yeast
2/3 cups sugar
1 glass milk, heated (add extra if needed)
3 tbsp vegetable oil
3 tbsp coconut powder
1. In a Kitchen Aid,  combine, flour, dry yeast, sugar, oil, and coconut powder and mix
2. Heat up glass of milk, and while blending the the remaining ingredients, slowly pour milk in, until the ingredients become similar to a cookie dough texture, not sticky, however soft
3. After doing so, roll the dough into two seperate balls, and roll the outside of the dough ball inwards
4. Leave the balls in a container, and in a warm temperature to let the dough rise for about an hour to two hours
5. After the dough rises, roll it out on a flat surface, and cut with a pizza slicer triangular shapes, if the dough is too sticky, try adding some flour
6. Heat up a pan to deep fry the dough with vegetable oil, and leave it to boil
7. After the oil is ready, place the triangular pieces in, and soon as the dough rises in the oil, flip it, and splash some oil on the piece, so that it rises. The bread is done when both sides of the bread is slightly browned
8. Set with any side you like, preferably a saucy side and ENJOY!

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