A blog based on the delicious, flavorful and taste-bud tickling dishes around the world :)

Thursday 9 August 2012

Yogurt Salad (Middle East)

Enjoy with Vegetables and Pita Bread or as a side dish or
even with rice:)
This dish is a delicious dish containing plain yogurt it is often eaten with rice and can also be used as a dip. I absolutley love this dish, especially finding each piece of cumcumber :). This dish is loved by alot of kids and is a great way to cool off hot food. The recipe is as followed:
What you'll need-
3 cups of plain 2% yogurt
1/2 of a cucumber, shredded
1 piece of garlic
2 stripes of coriander chopped
1 table spoon of cumin
a pinch of salt

1.Pound cumin and salt until almost powdery
2.Add coriander and garlic to cumin and salt then pound together
3.Shred the half cucumber and mix with yogurt
4.Add pounded ingredients and mix all until nice and creamy
5. Refrigerate until time to eat!

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